Online Conference “Pedagogical Professionalism and Internationalisation – Dialogue with the Post-Soviet Islamic Educational space”

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On November 18-19, 2021, the conference “Pedagogical Professionalism and Internationalization – Dialogue with the Post-Soviet Islamic Educational Space” takes place in a virtual format via Zoom.

The conference will be dedicated to the topic of pedagogical professionalism in the context of internationalisation, taking into account current developments in the post-Soviet educational space. Developments such as the rediscovery of Islam after the end of the Soviet Union, linguistic and cultural diversity, the need for strategies for internationalisation in education as well as the need for strategies addressing radical nationalistic and religious trends manifest themselves in a tension between national, international, and transnational dimensions in education.

The aim of the conference is to analyze different aspects of pedagogical professionalism for dealing with this tension. On the basis of scientific results and in exchange with practitioners, pedagogical professionalism will be discussed in particular for the main topics (1) multilingualism, (2) dealing with radical nationalistic and religious trends, and (3) potentials of dual models of pedagogical training and the link of theory and practice in the context of internationalization and cooperation with non-university actors. In addition to the scientific dialogue, the conference promotes the cultural dialogue through the discussion of foreign cultural and educational policies in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan and theory-practice dialogue through networking opportunities between young scientists and practitioners in the field of international cooperation.

The conference is an activity of the project “Pedagogical Professionalism and Internationalisation – Dialogue with the Post-Soviet Islamic Education Space”, which is implemented in cooperation with the Kazakh National Pedagogical Abaj University (KazNPU) and with the participation of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (ASPU). The project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the German Foreign Office (AA) within the framework of the program “Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World”.

The conference language is English. The preliminary program overview can be found here.

Participation in the conference is free of charge. Registration by November 15, 2021, at is required.

Conference organization
Prof. Dr. Anatoli Rakhkochkine/ Maren Hanneken
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology
Research and Teaching Unit Diversity Education
and International Educational Research
Regensburger Str. 160
90429 Nürnberg

Contact for questions about the conference
Maren Hanneken (Project Assistant)