International Conference „Internationalisierung der Lehrerbildung und internationale Lehrermigration/ Internationalisation of Teacher Education and International Teacher Migration“

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Virtual international Conference 

„Internationalisierung der Lehrerbildung und internationale Lehrermigration/ Internationalisation of Teacher Education and International Teacher Migration“

Date: 03.– 04. Dezember 2020

Location: ONLINE-only conference via ZOOM (log-in data will be provided after registration)

Note: You can join a ZOOM-Session simply by clicking on a link in your browser, no ZOOM-account needed.

Host: Chair of Diversity Education and International Educational Research at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)

Note: Due to the aggravation of the current COVID-19 pandemic and a new prolongation of travel restrictions as well as increasing restrictions on the use of facilities on campus in Nurember, the conference will an ONLINE-only event.

Registration: The registration is completed. Late registration is not possible.

Admission Fee: No admission fee for this free event.


The international conference „Internationalisierung der Lehrerbildung und internationale Lehrermigration/ Internationalisation of Teacher Education and International Teacher Migration“ will provide a platform to forge a link between the discourses on the internationalisation of teacher education, on the additional training of refugee teachers and other internationally qualified teachers, and on international teacher migration (including such aspects as recruiting, recognition of professional qualifications, and language acquisition for professional integration). Special attention will be paid to the international comparative perspective on these issues. Drawing on current discussions in educational policy, latest research results and best practices, the conference presentations will discuss the issues of guidance, counselling, recognition of professional qualifications from abroad and additional training of internationally qualified and mobile teachers, in particular with regard to the internationalisation of teacher education. The conference will also explore the interconnection of internationalisation initiatives and additional trainings throughout all phases of teacher education and professional development. The international set up of this conference encourages professional networking among researchers and practitioners from different countries in which the internationalisation of teacher education and international teacher migration are broadly discussed topics.

The conference focuses on the following questions:

  • How do international teacher migration and internationalisation of teacher education affect the teaching profession (in terms of expectations and requirements) and institutions of teacher education? What normative notions of the teaching profession can be identified in this context? What questions and problems emerge from the perspectives of prospective teachers, (migrating) teachers, teacher educators and educational authorities
  • What strategies for recruiting, counselling, and recognition of professional qualifications and which training programmes (goals, content, organisation and outcomes) are implemented for the professional integration of internationally qualified and mobile teachers in the destination county? Which strategies (international mobility for studies and internships abroad, internationalisation at home, and virtual mobility) are used to implement the internationalisation of teacher education and what are the outcomes? To what degree do programmes for additional training of internationally qualified teachers and programmes of internationalisation of teacher education differ with regard to the normative notions of the teaching profession and with regard to the development of intercultural and foreign language competences? To what degree do they pay attention to the interconnection between different phases of teacher education and professional development? What questions and problems related to international teacher migration and internationalisation of teacher education emerge for international co-operation in education?
  • Which theoretical and methodological research challenges emerge in the field of internationalisation of teacher education and international teacher migration and how can the research in this field contribute to the development of theoretical and empirical knowledge about teacher professionalism? Which innovative practices can inspire further research?

The conference is open to researchers, to professionals in charge of teacher education and professional development, to professionals in accreditation agencies for internationally qualified teachers, and to providers of training programmes for migrated and refugee teachers. The conference offers presentations, panels, poster sessions and workshops to initiate new research and development in the field of internationalisation of teacher education, and in the field of international teacher migration with regards to the training of internationally qualified teachers and the recognition of foreign degrees. The event is also open to stakeholders and interested teachers. Conference languages are German and English, the conference programme indicates for each contribution which language will be used. A translation will not be provided. The conference is a synchronous event organised in Germany which will take place only during the German conference times (CET) indicated in the programme. The conference will not be recorded and cannot be rewatched asynchronously at any time. A selection of papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication.

Conference Programme
The updated conference programme and the abstract booklet were sent to the registered conference participants.

Around 140 Conference Participants from 19 Countries
The deadline for registration was 15 Nov 2020. Our conference registration is now completed. Thank you for the numerous international registrations and the interest expressed in the special focus of this conference. We are happy to welcome around 140 registered participants from 19 countries (Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Canada, China, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Malta, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, and USA). We are looking forward to lively discussions ONLINE on 03 and 04 December 2020 via ZOOM.

The data protection policy is outlined here.

The conference organizing committee:
Prof. Dr. Anatoli Rakhkochkine /Madeleine Flötotto /Maren Hanneken
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology
Chair of Diversity Education and International Educational Research
Regensburger Straße 160
90478 Nürnberg (Bavaria)/ Germany

Contact for all questions regarding the conference:
Madeleine Flötotto